ASEAN Healthcare

ASEAN Healthcare

ASEAN Healthcare

The adoption of universal healthcare coverage has opened the door to new and long-lasting partnerships between national governments and healthcare providers of all kinds. As growing economies in Southeast Asia seek to modernise their healthcare coverage, three countries stand out for their strong potential as key markets within the industry.

Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines each have adopted their own universal healthcare programmes. As enrolment grows with each passing year, the demand for new, high-quality hospitals increases. Experienced and specialised medical practitioners, high quality pharmaceuticals, modern equipment, after-sales service and many other resources are also greatly in need.

With each country's new healthcare system in its early stages, the time is right for focused and intelligent investment. Companies looking to capitalise on the opportunities in each market will need to base their offerings on a nuanced understanding on the specific needs and inner workings of each country's system, taking into account the budgetary and regulatory requirements as well as market expectations.

This introduction to healthcare opportunities in Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines provides the relevant background in all three markets, examining current enrolment numbers, private hospital partnerships, budgetary issues, and the general structure and challenges that characterise each country's healthcare trajectory. The paper includes four key takeaways for healthcare providers seeking a foothold in the potentially lucrative ASEAN marketplace.

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